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My Views

While this list is ceertainly not exhaustive, it provides my position on many of the issues facing Iowans today.

Term Limits

Our government was never intended to allow for career politicians to remain in office for decades. Elected office was intended for citizens serving citizens. We need to return to the original intent of citizen representation, not career politicians serving special interests at the expense of everyone else. I beleive in term limits for every office at every level.


Public Dollars belong in Public Schools, period. For decades Iowa Public Schools were the gold standard in our country. Now, with the actions of our governor and her Republican allies, public schools are being fleeced and public dollars for our children are now going to private for profit schools. These schools are unaccountable to anyone and are rife for corruption. Public dollars must be returned to our public schools.

Area Education Agencies:

The Republican legislature, for no reason, have decided that they are now going to gut the Area Education Agency. No one had asked for this, it was not needed, and no one wants this. Every agency can use evaluation from time to time, but to totally destroy such a vital part of many peoples lives is pointless and cruel. We must fight to keep this vital resource available to Iowans.

Banning Books

The fact that this the year 2024 and we are discussing book banning is unreal. I am absolutely against any banning any book. The very idea offends me on a base level as an American. If you don't want to read a book, don't. If you don't want your child to read it, don't let them, be a parent. If the concern is a young child can read it, place those books in older portions of the library, but outright banning books is simply Unamerican.

Local Control and HF 718

Local control is a thing of the past now in Iowa. With House File 718, towns and cities can no longer determine how they will tax and how and what our towns can support. Iowa needs property tax relief, absolutely, but not at the cost of our local control.

Lobbyists and Money in Politics

One of the great injustices in our time was the decision in Citizens United which allowed for unlilmited money from special interests to flood into politicians pockets. It is a revolving door of lobbyists to elected officials and back again.  Lobbyists (and former lobbysists) have no place in our government. 

Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

One of the most blatanly partisan actions taken by this governor and the Republicans is attempting to take all power away from the State Auditor. This position is intended to guard against fraud, waste, and abuse for the taxpayers of Iowa. There is no reason for this other than to avoid oversight for the government. When all oversight is removed, corruption flourishes. I support additional investigators for all programs in Iowa, as this is the only way to ensure that taxpayer funds are being spent efficiently.

Marijuana Legalization

Almost every state around Iowa has legalized marijuana. There is no reason that Iowa has not taken this step. We desperately need the revenue that would be generated, and under the current policy surrounding tates simply take the funds that could otherwise be used in Iowa to improve life in our state and entice people to remain in our state. Marijuana would be useful to farmers and agriculture as a whole in Iowa's economy. Legalization of marijuana would also significantly reduce Iowa's incarcerated populace.

Womens Health Care

In light of the overturning of Roe v Wade and the recent ruling in Alabama regarding IVF, Iowa's legislature has shown their clear intent to pursue total control over its citizens. I support a womens right to choose. I believe in limited government, to not support that right would not be consistent. Whatever a woman's choice, it should be between the woman, their partner, doctor, and their higher power if they believe in that. 

Childcare Affordabilty

Lack of affodable childcare is a primary reason that many Iowans are unable to work, it simply makes no sense to go to work when the price of childcare outweighs the income generated. This is something that as Iowans we need to invest funds into to make Iowa's economy work for everyone. We need more workers, and this could help in accomplishing that goal.

Gun Control

I support the 2nd Amendment. I am against book banning because it goes against the Bill of Rights, and as such, I also support the 2nd amendment to keep and bear arms. That said, we are facing an increased time of gun violence, particularly in our schools. I support administrative rule changes between states to notify of violent offenders as well as red flag laws. 

Mental Health

Iowa is 52nd in the nation for the number of mental health beds available. This is a disgrace. Iowa needs to expand this whether it be with new facilities run by the state or inducing hospitals to open more units with new programs meant to assist them with these costs. The cost of doing nothing is far greater in costs of violence, law enforcement efforts, and human suffering. 


The privatization of Medicaid has been an unmitigated disaster in terms of costs and accessibilty. It is far more difficult now for Iowans to navigate services, the corporations involved continually leave the programs, and overall has made Medicaid less efficient. It is time to end this scheme and return this public service to the state.

Police and Firefighters

I fully support our brave police and firefighters and support both their unions and the expanded health costs coverage that was declined by this legislature. We must fully support those who dedicate their lives to protecting others.

Nurses and Healthcare Workers 

The fact that our legislature tried to cap what nurses can make but not CEOs tells us everything about their priorities. Our state desperately needs to maintain as many of these workers as possible, and should compensate them for their work. These jobs can also be very dangerous, particularly in Mental Health. Just as their are legal offenses that trigger automatic charges against police or firefighters, the same should go for healthcare workers.

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